Application for schools with YWAM Finland

Below is the application form for all YWAM Finland’s schools. We’ll begin with your personal information and continue into questions about your faith and life, so that we can get to know you better. Filling the application should take about 20 minutes.

    Full Name (as shown in passport):

    Email Address:

    Telephone Number:

    Date of Birth (DD.MM.YYYY):


    Relationship Status:


    Postal Code:


    State, Providence or Region (if applicable):



    Do you have a passport?:

    Do you know which school you would like to apply for?:

    What month would you like to start?:

    What type of school are you applying for?:

    Please select which school you are interested in:

    Describe yourself briefly

    Why have you chosen to apply to DTS?:

    Tell us about your faith

    In your opinion, what are your personal strengths?

    In your opinion, what are your personal weaknesses or challenges?

    How do you see yourself adjusting to living and working in community?

    What kind of expectations do you have for DTS?

    Please describe your health (mental, physical, disabilities etc.)

    Education and employment history?

    English proficiency

    Describe briefly your language skills. Do you speak other languages?

    How are you going to finance your Discipleship Training School/Discipleship Bible School?

    Please list the contact information (name, email & phone number) of your three references as well as your relationship to them. One of the references must be your pastor or other spiritual leader who knows you well.
    Reference 1
    Reference 2
    Reference 3

    Thanks for the info! We are excited to get in touch with you! Your school leader will connect with you in the next couple of days with more information and some further questions.